Five tricks you need to know when posting to social media

April 26, 2019

The Joe Dickinson Team

by Zac Czikowsky

Social media is an ever-changing sphere of content. This can be a great thing, as it means users are constantly adding their ideas and creations to digital platforms for all to enjoy. However, because social media is always evolving, it can also be a challenge when trying to figure out the best times to post, and which posts will get the most traffic. Read below for some tricks and tips to posting efficiently to social media in 2019.

Personalize your posts.

This is maybe the most important trick for generating local traffic: personalize your posts! Your network wants to see your smiling face, and most social media platforms reward posts that are a personalized message and photo from you. Cute animals are always a great way to go as well! Avoid posting links without any personalized message, as social media platforms tend to devalue these posts. If you want to share a news story, take a screenshot of the headline and post the pic with a caption that invites discussion. Add emojis and gifs too to make it creative!

Promote your blog

A great way to funnel traffic to your website or landing page through social media is to promote your blog posts. Try quoting a section of your blog in addition to a nice featured image, and then providing a link to the rest of the blog in the post. Or, if you find you’re already generating a fair amount of traffic, quote your blog in a survey to see what people are thinking. This is a great way to generate a discussion online, which will provide value as well as traffic!

Post at the right times

Making sure you know when your audience is on social media is a must for generating traffic efficiently. The best days to post are mid-day, mid-week. So, schedule your best posts to go out on Thursday or Friday between 11 am and 5 pm. Note that these times can differ per audience. Try posting at other times as well to see if your audience is active at a different time. Generally, though, avoid posting on weekends and on Mondays, as these days tend to generate the least activity.

Make it fancy!

Posts with only text won’t get you very far. As mentioned before, it’s important to personalize your posts and make them creative. Gifs, graphics, surveys, and emojis are great tools to making your posts pop. Make sure to add color and style to your posts, and your audience will reward you for your creativity!

Engage with your peers

When you post to social media, make sure to go back from time to time to comment and reply to those who have commented. It’s a great way to keep a discussion going, and it allows for an open discussion. Always try to avoid trolls, but never try to end a healthy discussion on your post if someone disagrees with you. The phrase “we’ll have to agree to disagree” may be good for family arguments, but on social media it’s a bad look and will stop a discussion dead in its tracks. Engage with your audience, ask questions, offer your own insight. It will show your audience that you are willing to talk with them and it will generate even more traffic!