How To EASILY Generate Leads DAILY For Any Business

January 21, 2020

7 out of every 10 businesses fail within their first five years.

That leaves a staggeringly low percentage of business owners who might have missed out on success if they could have only beat the odds. Luckily, when building a start-up, it’s not luck that will lead you to success; it’s the ability to know what your audience wants so you can give them something of value. Whatever other reasons businesses fail, you have control over how you interact with your target audience and what you offer them.

One thing you can do to start marketing more effectively is to create lead magnets.

Consider my own lead magnet example, a printable PDF dedicated to providing solar energy sales agents with the knowledge they need to Generate 5-15 Leads per Day. By offering something of value - something that will actually change your customers’ lives - you will begin grabbing your audience’s attention. And fast. And, if they’ve reacted well to your content, they’ll share it with their audience and so on.

It doesn’t need to be something amazing you’ve created yourself. If you’re not the best content writer, there are resources online such as Fiverr and Upwork that are filled with freelancers who would jump at the chance to help.

What’s important is getting your target audience into your ecosystem. Once they’ve exchanged their email for your value object, you’ll be able to communicate and market to them on a more personal level. If you can gain their trust and impress them, then you’ve got a damn good lead magnet. And, the better your lead magnet, the better conversions you’re going to have.

And don’t forget to follow up, follow up, follow up, follow up! That’s right, it takes an average of four follow-ups for a lead to convert. More than a simple check-in email, your follow up needs to have purpose as well. Your prospective customers should react positively to each communication attempt you send, otherwise, it’s more likely to be ignored or considered as spam.

As a helpful guide in strategically following up to increase the chances of conversion, include these essential steps:

  • Reach out within 24 hours of their download of your lead magnet. This will ensure your value is still fresh in their mind and reminds them that your business includes much more expertise than what they just received. Most email campaign builders, such as Mailchimp, can send thank you emails automatically when clients offer their emails.
  • Be both personal and personable. As much as you want to sell your business to your leads, building relationships is crucial. You can integrate clients’ names to appear in all your emails and ensure to take a conversational, engaging tone instead of pulling out your “sales” voice.
  • Keep track as well as a schedule of your follow-ups. You can use an analytics tool to study the number of clicks and opens your follow up emails receive (Mailchimp has their own analytics feature) so you can adjust your strategy if you see a pattern of unopened emails. And keep a schedule for the number of days or weeks between each follow up so you have accountability for ensuring you don’t give up on your leads too soon.

Watch my latest video "How To Easily Generate Leads Daily For Any Business" to learn more about developing a lead magnet that will drive conversions to your business - and set you up to beat those odds!