How To Write High Converting Website, Funnel & Ad Copy

February 4, 2020

Here’s How to Write Good Website/Funnel Copy

By far one of the most important things to know as an online marketer, business owner, entrepreneur or anything is: if you’re selling something, you need to be able to communicate what it is that you’re selling to the right person and do it well.

When I got started as an online marketer, I could design things and make them look great but they weren’t converting very well. So I thought what’s the other piece? It’s the words. It’s the focus on the copy you use to capture and maintain your audience’s attention once your design has pulled them in.

The copy you develop is highly important to the overall success of your brand, so what I am challenging you to do is take a real strong look at copy because typically it’s overlooked.

Here are some tips and strategies to help you start writing amazing website/funnel copy:

  1. Focus on the problems your target buyer is having. If you know a certain industry has trouble generating leads (don’t we all), then you can start your Facebook ads or other advertising content with “Calling all solar consultants, do you struggle to generate leads?” Now you’ve pulled them in and you can start delivering your objective to them. It doesn’t even need to be that transparent. The best copy delivers the problem without explicitly pointing it out. For example, “solar consultants, learn the one thing 98% of you are not doing to generate leads.” It’s more of a curiosity poke to get your audience interested in what it is you have to offer.
  2. Focus on your tone. How you want your content to be contextualized and interpreted all comes down to the tone you choose to take. If you’re developing a highly technical product catered to business professionals, then you’re tone should be professional and informative. However, if you’re trying to connect with your audience on a personal, informal level - then it’s important to tone down your voice and focus on more conversational copy. It’s important to keep your tone consistent across every piece of copy you create.
  3. Always proofread. It seems self-explanatory, or you may believe your spell checker or Grammarly will catch every mistake. Regardless of how perfect you believe your copy is, always, always proofread at least twice. Those simple typos or formatting errors you would have caught if you gave your copy one more read could be contributing to your conversion rate. I know I’ve clicked away from articles that have clear typography errors.
  4. Never forget about SEO. Search Engine Optimization is definitely a frequently used phrase in marketing - and for good reason. You could have the best design and great copy that solves a problem, but without strategically used SEO, no one is going to be able to find and read it. Every piece of copy, from your About page to your blogs, needs to use keywords and other SEO techniques to tell Google’s algorithms what it is you’re selling.

**The one thing I don’t want you to do that many amateur marketers will try to do is to start selling immediately. You’ve got to talk less, listen more. You need to know the problem and then offer the solution - that’s what will sell your product. Major companies do extremely well - they’ll solve a problem and then they’ll innovate once they’ve got a good customer base, etc.

This is just scratching the surface, there is so much more involved in copy. But just knowing that, talk to the people who have the problems your product or service will solve and then go to the selling and tell them why your product is so great - people will spend money to solve a problem, and if you can create exceptional copy, they’ll buy your product or service because they need it - regardless of the cost. So go ahead and solve that problem. The bigger problem you solve, the bigger paycheck you’re probably going to get.

Interested in learning more about how to generate the maximum number of leads for your business? Check out my other video here.